4 Reasons Why Your Refrigerator Isn't Cold Enough

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Have you ever went to grab an ice cold drink out of the refrigerator only to end up pulling out warm juice, pop or water? At some point in time or another, it has probably happened to the majority of individuals. While you expect your fridge to be cold, there are instances where something goes wrong and alters the temperature inside. Consider some of the common reasons why your refrigerator isn't as cold as it should be.

Dirty Condenser Coils

If your fridge isn't keeping the items inside cool, it might be that the condenser coils are dirty. Since the condenser is similar to a radiator, you have to keep it clean for it to effectively dissipate all of the heat being pulled from the fridge. When the coils get dirty, it causes the fridge to operate less efficiently, thus causing it to break down.

Bad Evaporator Fan Motor

Another common reason why your fridge isn't cool enough inside is because of a bad evaporator fan. Beyond the evaporator in your fridge, there are motors that work to circulate all of the cold air produced by the coils into the fridge.

While some fridges might have multiple fans, others only have one. If there is only one in your fridge, it is normally on the freezer side. When the fan stops working, it causes the cold air to struggle getting into the fridge.

Bad Temperature Control Thermostat

A defective thermostat control can cause your fridge not to be cool enough. Your thermostat works to provide the right amount of power to push air through your condenser fan, evaporator fan and compressor.

When the fans and compressor are both working properly, but your fridge isn't cooling properly, you might have an issue with airflow or the defrost system.

Faulty Compressor

Defective compressors can also cause your fridge not to properly cool. The compressor is actually a motor that works to compress all of the refrigerant and circulate it into the condenser coils and evaporator. There are a number of other components that might be defective if the compressor isn't working properly.

When you have a bad compressor, you need to have a licensed appliance repair technician come out and replace it for you.

The best thing you can do when your fridge isn't cooling right is to call an appliance repair technician who can come out and evaluate what needs to be done to fix your fridge. Contact a company like DBH Appliance Repair to learn more.

